Download the Crappie fish app zip file and open crappieFishApp/app.R. Run the app and examine the code. Discuss what the app does well and identify areas for improvement (there are a lot). The problems you identify could pertain to the app’s appearance, performance, accessibility, and the style and organization of the code. Consider the best practices we have suggested and your own wealth of coding knowledge.
Work with your group to brainstorm and implement solutions to the problems you have identified. Please remember to keep notes of the changes that you made and how they will improve the app’s form and function. The list of problems your group has identified will be the main outcome of this activity. You will have about one hour for this activity. The group that identifies the most problems with this app wins!
To facilitate writing code collaboratively, you can use a google document or you can share your Rstudio screen with your group and enable remote control. This way, if you allow, other people can directly type on your Rstudio console.